
During the summer season you can book daily trips to Bergtatt

Explore the mystical Marble caves at Bergtatt! The caves are a result of mining operations since 1938. In others parts of the mountain, the mining operation is still ongoing. Today, the area where the caves are located function as a concert venue, as well as a tourist attraction in itself. A boat ride into the caves offers visitors a unique and stunning experience. You will get the change to tast pure mountain water directly from the source far inside the mountain, and watch a video about the mining operations. There is no maximum limit on people during the summer season, you can come alone, or bring your whole family. A visit to Bergtatt will be an exciting experience for everyone.

Individual groups of sightseeing: Minimum 20 people/ does not apply during the summer season.
Advertised event / concert: No minimum number

During the summer season May 30 to August 16 you can visit the mines everyday except Mondays. Remember to book first.

Adults: NOK 445,-
Children (age 2- 18) : NOK 224,-
Family discount 2 Adults + max. 3 children NOK 1000,-


Combine this with a trip to the Atlantic road, one of the world’s best road trips. The highway zigzags across bridges and islands, to the point where the land and the ocean meet the fjord.

Buy a gift certificate for a magical and unique experience


Sightseeing consists of


Boat trip on the lake

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Water tasting


Viewing film of mine


Size of groups:

Individual groups of sightseeing: Minimum 20 people/ does not apply during the summer season.
Advertised event / concert: No minimum number



Time spent depends on the size of the group:
Approx 1 hour and 15 minutes


Price for sightseeing

Per person: 445 NOK,-
Children: 224 NOK,-


Family discount

2 Adults + max 3 children:
NOK 1000,-

Regular tours

Every day at 2.00 PM

Send SMS to +47 918 20 198 to sign up

  • No minimum number on these trips.

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Life jacket

Required for boat trip on the lake. Each person is assigned a life jacket on arrival



Required inside the mine, except in the concert hall. Each person is assigned a helmet on arrival


Universal design

Boat and area is universally designed. We can arrange transportation with wheelchair

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We recommend a warm jacket for the boat trip

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Not allowed inside the mine

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There are no fish in the lake


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+ 6-8 all year

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+ 5-7 all year

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Concert Hall

+ 22
Heated by hydronic heating